Exhibitor registration info

Exhibitor registration info

Registration will open on tczinefest.org at Saturday June 11th (11 am Central) and close Thursday June 30th (midnight Central).

Full tables (distros): There will only be five full (6 feet) tables, which will be reserved for distros. If more than five distros register, the full tables will be assigned to five distros via random selection. The price for a full table is $40.

Half tables: There will be approximately 64 half tables available (3 feet). 35 half tables will be randomly selected from all registrants. The remainder of the half tables will be assigned by TCZF organizers on the basis of self-selected categories including type of zine and identification as LGBTQIA, person of color, and under age 21. This process will ensure that we have a diverse range of zines and zinesters exhibiting.

Those who are not initially selected will be added to a wait list. Everyone who completes the registration form will receive an email by Wednesday July 6th letting you know whether you have a spot or if you’ve been placed on the wait list. Payment from those who have a spot must be received by Wednesday July 20th; otherwise, the spot will be given to the next person on the waitlist.

Sharing half tables is fine, but needs to be indicated at the time of registration. There will only be space for two people behind each half table.

Price: All half-table exhibitors can choose their own price: $30 full price or $20 reduced price. There is no difference in the benefits of full vs. reduced price, and it will have no impact on whether you are selected or not for a space. Paying at the full price level will help TCZF remain sustainable. If you are granted a spot but are unable to pay the reduced price, please let us know—no one will be turned away for lack of ability to pay.

Payment: Payment will be via Paypal or personal check/money order.

Your spot is NOT GUARANTEED until your payment is received and you’ve received a confirmation email from us.

Questions? Email us!
Spread the word!

Spread the word!

Help us spread the word about this year’s Twin Cities Zine Fest by printing off a few of these flyers (with fabulous artwork by Fiona Avocado) and posting them around town!

Just click on the images below for letter size, printable copies.

quarter size black & white
full letter size black & white
full letter size black & white
full letter size color
TCZF mailing list

TCZF mailing list

Want to keep up with TCZF events? Don’t miss a moment, sign up for our monthly mailing list! (We totally promise not to sell your contact info or spam you.)

TCZF registration dates

TCZF registration dates

We’re happy to announce that registration for TCZF 2016 will open Saturday June 11th and close Thursday June 30th. We’ll have more details about the process in early June, stay tuned!

Announcing TCZF 2016!

Announcing TCZF 2016!

2016 TCZF poster
2016 artwork by organizer Fiona Avocado

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that the 12th annual Twin Cities Zine Fest will be held Saturday September 24, 2016 at the Walker Community United Methodist Church (3104 16th Ave S in Minneapolis). The fest will take place from 11 am-5 pm. Registration for exhibitors will open in June; TCZF is a curated fest.

Circle the date on your calendar and stay tuned for more information about upcoming fundraisers and community events to support TCZF 2016!!



Welcome to the new/old TC Zine Fest website! There’s a new crew organizing the fest and we’re excited to continue the tradition of an event that brings the best and brightest from far and wide to celebrate zines in the Twin Cities.

The 12th Twin Cities Zine Fest will be held in fall 2016. Look for date & venue announcements in the next few weeks—check back here and follow us on social media. Thanks for your support!