Welcome to the virtual Exhibition Hall, where you will find all of the "tables" of our TCZF 2021 exhibitors!
Click on a category tab below to sort, or simply browse all of this year’s fabulous zinesters. Please click the LOAD MORE button at the bottom of this page if some of the images are not displaying correctly.
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- BIPOC zinester
- LGBTQIA zinester
- Perzines
- Comic Zines
- Art Zines
- Mental Health
- Literary Zines
- Music & Film Zines
Alyssa Pisciotto / That Glitter Chick
Alyssa Pisciotto resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is a painter and printmaker who has a passion for zines! Her publications cover a wide range of topics and interest but her favourite to make are the Painty Papers series. Shop. Instagram. Queer Zine Archive.
Tokyo-based zinester, Sammy started making her first zine when she came back to Japan in 2021. The zine titled “Twin Cities” introduces about two cities, Tokyo and Portland to share similarities in local lifestyles the way people enjoy daily life during the pandemic. Instagram. Reading from her zine at 32:30 in our YouTube video.
BluRaven C. Houvener / BCH Comix
Cartoon Distortion
Luis Blackaller, a.k.a. Cartoon Distortion (he/him), is an artist from Mexico City with an interest in public space, issues of representation and diversity in popular culture, the life-cycles of narrative colonialism, and good old fashioned cinema. Luis lives in Los Angeles, where he self-publishes his personal work with a simple mission in mind: to express his vision of Latin American imagination and life in Mexico City.
Work Press & Publication
Work Press & Publication is an independent print and publishing house founded in 2013 by Will Arnold and Tate Foley. Work Press is based in Champaign, IL and St. Louis, MO and focuses on Risograph-printed zines and artist books. Website. Or on Instagram @workpress
Skyvein Comic / sen holiday
sen holiday (they/them) makes art and comics on stolen Dakota and Anishinaabe land. Skyvein, a sci-fi/fantasy webcomic featuring a cast of qpoc characters, can be read online. Website. Twitter. Instagram.
Vlasinda Productions
Vlasinda Productions has been creating art in multiple mediums for over a decade. In recent years we have also had a strong focus on creating events for other artists to showcase and network, in hopes of building a more connected creative community. Instagram.
Atlas A Lee-Reid
Zinester Atlas A Lee-Reid (they/he) was born in Minneapolis and lives in Brooklyn, NY. Their zines cover personal stories from his childhood and early adulthood. Website. Instagram: @aleereid
Lucas Alan Dietsche
Lucas Alan Dietsche is the blogster, zinestar, and poetry builder of a Youtube channel, Pilot of Oumuamua patreon, and ex-Co-Poet Laureate of Superior, WI and Taconite Harbor, MN. He currently lives in Mankato, MN. He is an abolitionist and convict criminologist criminologist. He is a mystic and sohbet. Instagram: ladietschepoet. Xennial Poetry Notes. Mankato-St. Peter Zine-stars. Poet Laureate of Ghost Towns, USA . United Friends of Oumuamua.
Jennifer Chavez
Jen is a Chicago born and raised comic creator and illustrator whose primary focus is on vulnerability and honesty. Her work ranges from ethereal characters to personal narratives; both in hopes to help normalize talking about the more stigmatized parts of mental health. Website. Shop. Instagram. Twitter.
Alex Mitchell
Alex Mitchell is an artist, illustrator, and educator currently living and working out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Website. Twitter: red_fathom
Kala MacDonald
Kala MacDonald is a born and bread Minnesotan who uses her adequate cartooning and writing skills to make Zines about whatever strikes her fancy. Instagram.
Haleigh lives on occupied Dakhóta territory and is excited to share their first public zine, a silly science communication piece called Hot Cicada Summer. They teach about fungi and natural dyeing and are studying to be an Environmental Engineer. Instagram.
Jacob Yeates
Jacob Yeates is a Minneapolis-based artist and educator. Driven by a love of art, literature, and stress, Jacob’s work looks to all of the ugly things the United States has been so good at for so long — imperialism, inequity, incarceration, all the hits! — in an effort to inform and reflect upon how we have been brought (both willingly and unwillingly) to our current circumstances. Website. Instagram: @anotherjacoby
Kerri Sandve / Carbon Copy Co Press
Kerri (Mulcare) Sandve (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist from St. Paul, MN working under the imprint Carbon Copy Co. Press. She makes zines, artist books, prints, and collages that center on memory, personal archive, and human-landscape relationships. These often highlight aspects of connection to the land and to each other, loss, and the non-linearity of time. Website. Instagram. Patreon.
Irrelevant Press
Irrelevant Press is a micro-press and publisher comprised of four queer friends in Oakland CA and Brooklyn NY, est. 2014 Website.
Canto Cutie / Katherine Leung
Canto Cutie is a juried art and literature zine run by three bilingual English and Cantonese cuties. Vermont-based Katherine Leung founded and curates the zine. Austin-based artist Tsz Kam is an editor. G is the Chinese translator. Canto Cutie is a place for artists and writers across the diaspora to collaborate and showcase their work. Canto Cutie is a special space to celebrate our linguistic minority and pride. Our diverse diaspora has ties to Hong Kong, Singapore, Southern China, Taiwan, and beyond. Immigration, colonialism, and current civil unrest continues to play a role in our creative work. Canto Cutie is independently published in the United States and caters to a bilingual English and Cantonese speaking audience. Website. Instagram.
FrozenOctopie / Theodore Kidd
An MCAD comics senior who likes to draw. I’m originally from the East Coast and I like to write and draw about fantasy & History. Instagram.
Synthia Nicole
Synthia Nicole hails from Minnesota. They started writing perzines after a disabling brain injury. Writing zines, trading through the mail and attending zine fests have been a part of their healing. Facebook: Damaged Mentality
Destiny A. Davison
Destiny A. Davison is a writer, cartoonist, illustrator and multi-media creator from the Midwest. Her work explores the crossroads and back-roads of the real, the unreal, and the in-between. Website. Social Media: @destinydavison
YOLOW works with many contributors to center FTW and BIPOC voices in zines with a variety of topics and formats. Working on occupied and stolen Anishinaabe and Dakota land. Website. Instagram @YoLowZines
The Little BoyFrenz / Trina Fernandez & Drew Hance
Trina is a photographic installation artist, book and zine maker speaking to the human experiences we don’t often talk about. With the use of popular imagery, nostalgia, and artifice, Trina recreates scenes to process her past as a way to connect to the present, creating a model of emotion for those who may still be searching for permission to feel. Truth, honesty, and vulnerability are central to the work as she concerns herself with our collective desire to have a deeper connection to one another. She is a self described “intellectual bimbo” and a little funny. Trina’s Website. Drew’s Shop. Social Media:
Trina: @trinatr0n
Drew: @drew_hance
Amanda Schroeder
Amanda Schroeder is an Illustrator and Comic Artist currently studying at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. They are passionate about creating fantastical worlds and stories for their illustrations and comics, with inspirations coming from their environment and current issues. Website. Shop. Instagram.
Jelani Ellis
Jelani is an artist who’s bringing her skills and work from Virginia. Website.
Dio Cramer
Dio is an artist, graphic designer, printmaker, storyteller, and avid drinker of earl grey tea. Website.
Katrina K
Katrina loves cucumbers and also loves zines and getting crafty. This is the sixth year she has been a TCZF volunteer organizer. You can see some of her zines on Instagram: @katrinakmade