2017 exhibitors
A list of the fabulous exhibitors and invited guests scheduled to table at the 2017 Twin Cities Zine Fest. Attendees and table numbers are subject to change!
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Table # | Exhibitor name | Zine or distro title | Bio | Website |
27 | Aaron C. Snow | Sweaty Palms Zine, Change, Guns For Hire | Aaron makes mini-comics, often they are about anxiety or cowboys. | aaroncsnow.tumblr.com |
43 | Addison | Good Morning, Queer Mythos, The House of Kanaan Creed, Flavor! | Addison is an agender queer living in St. Paul, and zines are the favorite overlap of their two skills as an illustrator and creative writer. | addisoncreative.com |
51 | Addison Sharpe | Spark Poetry | Addison Sharpe is a performer, poet and activist who blends literature and performance art by writing poems on demand with a vintage typewriter. | instagram.com/femininitease |
30 | Alex Nall | Let Some Word That Is Heard Be Yours | Alex Nall is a cartoonist and teaching artist from Chicago. | alexnall.blogspot.com |
89 | Alexis Cooke | SUB vol 1-2, Monster, Dinner Ditz | Mother of one cats and avid Fall Out Boy fan, Alexis is a cartoonist based out of Minneapolis. She enjoys making both sad auto bio and silly queer romance comics! | alexiscooke.tumblr.com |
83 | Amber Huff | Amber is a graphic designer and illustrator from Chicago. She recently received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She likes to draw and stuff. | berhuff.com | |
24 | Amber Padilla | Reel Love, Ladies Night Anthology | Amber is a cartoonist, illustrator, and designer from Oakland CA, who makes comics for kids and teens. She is also a recent graduate from the MFA in Comics program at California College of the Arts. | amberpadilla.com |
50 | Ana Hinojosa | Marsupial Match, Now The We're Here | Ana Hinojosa is a comic artist and illustrator from Florida currently living in Minneapolis and writes zines about fruits, possums, and Latinx experiences/growing up. | anahin.com |
86 | Angela Davis | I AM: NorthMPLS | I AM: NorthMPLS is a Zine created to showcase the talents of Northside residents. | |
36 | Anna Jo Beck | Biff Boff Bam Sock | Anna Jo Beck is an illustrator, designer, and zinester residing in Chicago, IL. She is a layout queen: she works by day as the editorial art director for a few trade magazines, and by night helps organize Chicago Zine Fest. Her own zines are detailed and informative, with ranging topics from personal finance, to city hall weddings, to Spanish grammar, to the possessions you accumulate when you have cancer. Read her zines online at annajobeck.com. | annajobeck.com |
88 | Archie Bongiovanni | How Can We Be So Fucked Up And So Tender At the Same Time, SWEATGASM: A Queer Truth Or Dare, A Guide To They/Them Pronouns, Uncompromising Petty Girlfriend | Archie Anna Bongiovanni is a cartoonist, zine-kid, and sexual health educator-sometimes all at the same time. They make work about queerness, sex, emotions, and all the ways those things intersect. | annabongiovanni.com |
37 | Athena Currier | The Marjorie | Athena Currier is a Minneapolis-based illustrator and book designer with a Masters in comics, and a particular love for handmade patterns and maps. | themarjorie.com |
79 | B. Erin Cole | Fish City Comics | B. Erin Cole draws and writes comics about fish, brains, eggs, cities, and history. | berincole.tumblr.com |
63 | Backyard Beekeepers | Backyard Beekeepers | We're three queer beekeepers from Minneapolis who create art and zines to educate folks about bees and log our experiences caring for our hives. | backyardbeekeepersmn.com |
85 | Belli Research Institute | Belli Research Institute | The Belli Research Institute explores difference, contradiction, and fissure in political frameworks as fruitful sites for learning and experimentation. At all moments we seek that which is conflictual and, instead of seeking refuge, we intend to exacerbate the crisis. | belliresearchinstitute.com |
07 | Ben Nadler | Sonder No. 1, Planet Street, Heretics! | Ben Nadler is a cartoonist and illustrator living in Chicago. | bennadler.ink |
53-54 | Bohemian Press | Bohemian Press Collective | Bohemian Press is a donut-loving printmaking collective that create zines, comics, books and prints; based in the University of Minnesota Department of Art. | instagram.com/bohemianpress |
78 | Boy Bison Zines | Boy Bison Zines | Attempting to translate the compressions & swells in my chest. | instagram.com/boybisonzines |
77 | Brett Von Schlosser | Human Torso | Brett Von Schlosser is scrappy scribbler from minneapolis. | fiendishclutches.com |
34 | britt c. h. | Punch Therapy, Please Do Your Job | Britt lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is a comic artist and printmaker. She mostly deals in monsters, ghosts and cute animals. | brittch.com |
22 | bryan | black mold | bryan recently relocated to the midwest and they mostly make photozines of their friends' resilient faces. | blackmold.storenvy.com |
80 | Carolyn Swiszcz | Zebra Cat Zebra | Carolyn Swiszcz makes paintings, zines, and videos. She lives in West St Paul, MN. | carolynswiszcz.com |
73 | Carter Thurmond | Twin Cities Queer Masculinity | The Twin Cities Queer Masculinity group is selling their zine on queer masculine sexuality. This group welcomes people of all gender and sexual identities located in the Twin Cities who are interested in learning about, exploring, and experiencing queer masculinity. | queermasculinity.com |
45 | Catherine Florendo | Red, What is Your Name?, Walks Through the Hills | Catherine is an illustrator from the suburbs of Eagan, and loves nature and creates fantasy environments with characters that are only POC. | catherineflorendo.com |
02 | Chad Rutter | Mystery Spot Books | Mystery Spot Books produces small-run artist books, zines, and other publications that trace the contours and quirks of place-based experience in the human-altered landscape. Named for the tourist trap wonder attractions often encountered on road trips around the United States, Mystery Spot is a project of Minneapolis-based artist Chad Rutter and Austin-based writer Emily Roehl. | mysteryspotbooks.com |
69 | Chan Chau | We are all Superstitious, Leo | Chan is a Twin Cities based cartoonist and illustrator. Their work has been featured throughout various anthologies and zines. They are commonly found eating noodles and creating stationery. | cargocollective.com/chanc |
64 | Chase Underwood and Zeam Porter | Transfabulous TRUTH: Trans Youth Zine Workshop | Chase Underwood and Zeam Porter are both queer and trans artists from the Twin Cities area. They regularly host zine and writing workshops for trans youth and have a passion for encouraging self love in the community. Zines that come out of the workshop will be for sale as well as zines Chase and Zeam have made on their own. Their work features trans, black, disabled, and queer representation and tackles tough topics such as pre-surgery anxiety and microagressions. | facebook.com/transyouthzinesters |
56 | Christi Furnas | Crazy Like a Fox | Christi Furnas lives, breathes, and draws in Minneapolis. Her comic, Crazy Like a Fox approaches the subject of mental health with characters such as Fox, Jellyfish-Boss Lady, and Doctor Sock Puppet. | christifurnas.com |
42 | Claire Donaghue | Dear Abby, Sink, Inevitable Failure | Claire's a recent transplant to Minneapolis, hailing from the backwoods of northern Maine. She writes comics about comedy, tragedy, fantasy, and both literal and metaphorical demons. | clairecomics.tumblr.com |
29 | Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian | Campfire Comics and Stories | Campfire Comics and Stories is a collaborative risograph zine produced by and featuring art by Dennis Madamba and Kyle Harabedian as well as twelve other internationally recognized artists from around the world. The theme is "Based on a true story". | campfirecomicsandstories.tumblr.com |
26 | Dustin Williams | SorrySorrytown | Visual Artist, Printmaker, Kansas City, MO. | dustinwilliams.bigcartel.com |
32 | ed. | Holy Demon Army Distro | The Holy Demon Army Distro is the only pro-wrestling themed zine distro in the world. ed. is also responsible for the zines Pro Wrestling Feelings, and Black Metal of the Americas. | holydemonarmy.storenvy.com |
10 | Elam Bonebright | Elam Bonebright is a Twin Cities based illustrator and a bug and bones collector. She likes to make comics and zines about mostly dead things. | elambonebright.com | |
81 | Eric Bartholomew | Junk Drawer | Eric Bartholomew grew up going to garage sales, finding stuff in alleys, and collecting odds and ends of various sorts. He shares his finds through various projects, including a zine called Junk Drawer. | junkdrawer.wixsite.com/junkdrawer |
67 | Erika Finne | ArtFemme | Erika Finne was born and raised in Minneapolis, she writes comic zines about Pirates, Queer Activism, and her dog. | artfemme.wixsite.com/erikafinne |
61 | Err Minneapolis | Errata | Err is a Twin cities artist collective hell-bent on championing emerging artists. | errartistcollective.com |
28 | Garage Music News | Garage Music News | Garage Music News is a youth-run music journalism publication out of Burnsville, serving as a voice for the all-ages music scene. | garagemusicnews.com |
26 | Grant Kratzer | Cheatin Snakes Magazine | Grant Kratzer lives in Kansas City and is a freelance Illustrator. Grant makes super rad fun zines about biker gangs of rats, skateboarding wizards, vacations, wrestling, and more. | grantkratzer.com |
82 | Guy Thomas | Spiral King Comics | Guy Thomas is a cartoonist and filmmaker from Milwaukee. He one day plans to steal all of the world's cheeseburgers, but has yet to find a solid plan to do so. | spiralkingcomics.tumblr.com |
59 | heather c. lou | hclouART | heather c. lou, m.ed. (she/her/hers) is an angry gemini earth dragon, multiracial, asian, queer, cisgender, womxn of color artist based in minneapolis, minnesota. her mixed media pieces include watercolor, acrylic, gold paint pen, oil pastel, radical love, & hope. each piece comments on the intersections of her racial, gender, and sexual identities, as they continue to shift and develop in complexity each day. her art is a form of healing, transformation, and liberation, rooted in womxnism and gender equity through a racialized borderland lens. | hclouart.etsy.com |
75 | Jack Enza | Crushed | Jack Enza is a Minneapolis based comic artist who likes to merge action-adventure with comedic slice-of-life. | twitter.com/jack_enza |
11 | James DeWitt | Trans Sex Zines | My name is James DeWitt, I live in Minneapolis MN where I work in sexual health research and also as an educator around sexual health issues, transgender advocacy, and other social justice topics. My zine series "Sex Ed: A Love Story" aims at a holistic approach to sex education for queer and gender non-conforming youth of all ages. | transsexzine.com |
84 | Jay Ross | tanoreth | Jay makes zines about wizards and spends too much time thinking about D&D. | jayrossart.com/zines |
49 | Jenna Cha | Jenna Cha Comics | Jenna Cha creates comics that range from horrific to generally upsetting. | jennacha.tumblr.com |
38 | Jess Clark | unfolding dream | Jess Clark is from Saint Paul and creates quirky personal & poetry/art zines. | |
05 | Jordon Moses & Matshoshi Matsafu | All Black Zine | All Black Zine is a quarterly publication that focuses on the creativity and innovation that is produced by people of color. We highlight music, poetry, written works, as well as thoughts, ideas, organizers, and activists. | allblackzine.com |
04 | Josh "Meatbag" Mead | Oblivion Operetta, Nice Town, Blackouts & Blueballs, INARTACULAR | Meatbag exists in a state of semi-consciousness btw MPLS & Valahlla. | |
25 | Katie Armentrout | Celebrate the People | From the southern parts of Chicago comes, Katie Armentrout and her collection of absurd comics about anxiety, self love, and obsession. Come for the zines, stay for the chubby babe pride! | katiearmentrout.com |
84 | Kay Rossbach | Kay Rossbach is a designer and freelance illustrator. Kay is inspired by the art and storytelling of modern cartoons, indie comics, and a multitude of video games. | kayrossbach.com | |
66 | Kayla and Ysa | BUBU Zine (By Us Bout Us Zine) | Kayla and Ysa are two young creatives from Minneapolis specializing in Fine Art, and dabbling in other expressions, this zine a diary of sorts that brings humor and realness, centering and normalizing the lives of young black women/femmes, but specifically about us. | |
12 | Lacey Prpic Hedtke | We Believe in Infinite Intelligence, Likes/Dislikes, Excitement and Adventure | Zinestress, librarian, and arts organizer Lacey Prpic Hedtke runs the project space The Future, loves pitbulls, and is researches all sorts of esoteric topics late into the night. | laceyprpichedtke.com |
57-58 | Ladydrawers & Cow House Press | Ladydrawers & Cow House Press | Cow House Press focuses on publishing emerging artists of color, women, and LGBTQAx creators in the form of zines, comics and handmade books. The press works alongside the Ladydrawers Comic Collective who are an unofficially affiliated group that researches, performs, and publishes comics and texts about how economics, race, sexuality, and gender impact the comics industry, other media, and our culture at large. | ladydrawers.wordpress.com |
74 | Leda Zawacki | Cup of Stars Comics | Leda Zawacki is a comics artists. Her comics explore themes of Native American mythologies, fantastical creatures, and empowered women. She lives in Minneapolis with her wife Mari and pup Hugo. | cupofstars.com |
90 | Lilly Richard | Distant City, Bird Boy, Many, Bra Training | Lilly draws comics that are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes true. | truefactscomics.com |
15 | Liz Tetu | Bros Before Bros, Bits & Peaces, Lipstick" | Liz Tetu likes to write until he's blue in the face. He's a gag comic artist and an essayist, although he does dip into prose occasionally and he does get paid to blog. He's currently earning a four-year undergraduate degree in Creative Sexual Communication at Metropolitan State University. When he finds time to put down the pen, he picks up the controller and slays dragons. | liztetuoneverything.weebly.comorbutchlesbiman.tumblr.com |
39 | Liz Walker | Everybody Likes Liz | Liz Walker is a freelance writer, reluctant comic artist, part-time Morrissey journalist, occasional painter, and professional slacker. She resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she lives off Cadbury Mini Eggs and falls asleep to Forensic Files. | everybodylikesliz.com |
03 | Logan Kruidenier | Too Much Fun, Too Much Fun Too, "Excerps," Morning Doodles | Hello, my name is Logan Kruidenier. I currently live in Chicago. I love making zines, comics, prints, drawings, and most recently I have begun staging public art installations, performances and community workshops. | logankruidenier.com |
46 | Lucy Comer | Lucy is an artist from Minneapolis whose zines follow loose narratives and themes that focus on the illustrations used to tell the story and the mood it helps to establish | lucycomer.com | |
91-92 | MCTC Zine Collection | MCTC Library is committed to developing a substantial collection of alternative press materials to support our college community. As part of that commitment, we maintain a Zine Collection. The MCTC Zine Collection is open to the public for browsing. | library.minneapolis.edu/zines | |
72 | Milo / Chris | QZAP, the Queer Zine Archive Project | QZAP is a 14 year old archive of queer zines. Primarily digital, based in Milwaukee, with over 2000 zines documenting queer self-publishing from the 1970s through now. | qzap.org |
21 | Minnesota Nice Zine Distro | Minnesota Nice Zine Distro | Minnesota Nice is a zine distro based in the Twin Cities, MN. | mnnicedistro.wordpress.com |
08 | Monica Howell | Chibi Press | Monica is a librarian, archivist, book artist, and cancer survivor living in Minneapolis. | mnartists.org/monicarhowell |
31 | Nathan G. O'Brien | HotDogDayz | ZINES//MIXTAPES//TRASH. Soda Killers is punk, rap, and graffiti viewed through an introspective lease, featuring stories, essays, interviews, reviews, photos, and more. | hotdogdayz.com |
76 | Nicodemus Tibbitts | Nicodemus Tibbitts is a queer, pagan, transman comic artist who is inspired by his own experiences, history, theater, the supernatural, and the divine. | nicodemusart.tumblr.com | |
71 | Norma Krautmeyer | bile & syntax, blush and mumble | Norma resides in St. Paul where she makes zines, comics, and art postcards when permitted by her three cats and excessively busy day job. | blushandmumble.com |
23 | Of course you can! Distro | Of course you can! Distro create zines of photography and comix, on topics ranging from coffee to consent. They are based out of small town Manitoba. | ofcourseyoucan.etsy.com | |
60 | Perpetual Ambivalence | Perpetual Ambivalence | Quarterly perzine based out of Denver, Colorado. | PerpetualAmbivalence.etsy.com |
17-18 | Plus Dog Collective | Plus Dog Collective | Plus Dog Collective is a group of Minneapolis-based artists dedicated to the world of comics and illustration. Our belief that life is much more fun when experienced together. | plus-dog.tumblr.com |
40 | r. logios | logios press | r. logios is an ancient eldritch horrorterror disguised as a mild-mannered thirtysomething from lincoln, nebraska. she writes perzines about identity, existential semi-crises, and saving yourself through the power of words, and has been making zines in varying spurts of productivity since 2002. | logios.weebly.com |
41 | Rachel Topka | Rachel Topka | Rachel Topka draws ugly things with beautiful dreams: Crawfish monsters, centaurs, sad sea captains and woodland creatures all looking for love. | racheltopka.com |
52 | Robert Kelsey | TCAOTGFHTRD, Butt Stuff, Hangman Within | Robert Kelsey is a cartoonist out of Chicago, who draws a heck of a lot of monsters. Come talk to him about why monsters deserve love. | robertkelseyillustration.com |
55 | Rochester Public Library | Zine*O*Cide | Zine*O*Cide is a collective of Rochester, MN teen poets and punks. We publish a variety of zines on teen issues with a focus on LGBTQIA content. | rochesterpubliclibrary.org |
19-20 | Roosterhouse Collective | Roosterhouse Collective | Roosterhouse Collective of Minneapolis writes and creates zines about the personal experience of small people and outsiderdom. All zines are hand-cut, hand-collated, and printed in-house using an old office printer. We are not a distro. | roosterhouse.organdzineia.com |
65 | Rosheezyyy | Multi-disciplinary artist, Rosheezyyy, experiments with diverse mediums in their zines to achieve innovative aesthetics and narratives. | cargocollective.com/electricebonyterrorism | |
44 | s. holiday | Skyvein Comic | s. holiday creates the webcomic Skyvein, and sometimes draws shorter comics about gender, relationships, and the environment. | skyveincomic.com |
48 | Sam Johnson + Kasey Sauser | Turbonerds | Sam and Kasey are just two pretty cool Minnesota students that like to make comics and draw stuff. | spoopysamuel.com |
70 | Sam Schmitt | GlitterWurst Zines | All in Your Head is a queer/feminist traditional cut-and-paste style zine with a focus on LGBTQIA neurodivergent and disabled activists, zinesters, artists, and authors. | GlitterWurst.etsy.com |
68 | Sarah Rusch | Slop Pile, Bundt Pan, Kitchen Drawings, more tbd | Sarah is an artist living & tending to her house plants in Minneapolis, MN. Her zines illustrate her love of cooking and sharing food with friends. | sarahrusch.com |
62 | Shift MN | Shift MN is a group of people that advocates for healthier LGBTQ communities in the Twin Cities and surrounding area. We make zines about cultivating sustainable wellness practices as LGBTQ people. | shiftmn.org | |
downstairs | Sister Black (Bike) Press | Poetry Post | BOOK ARTS//LETTERPRESS PRINTING//MOBILE BIKE PRESS | sisterblackpress.com |
33 | Stevie Aristizábal | Moxie Vegas | Stevie Aristizábal writes stories about the magic hidden in the ordinary, in between Overwatch matches and watching old Kids' WB cartoons. | moxievegas.com |
87 | Teddie Bernard | Teddie Bernard is an artist and cartoonist currently in their junior year of high school. When they're not drawing comics, they're probably playing 80s music on the mellophone. | teddiebernard.net | |
47 | Thad Stalmack II | Fear Me, TroopersVsFleshbodies | Thad Stalmack II is a comic creator from Ann Arbor Michigan. | thadstalmack.tumblr.com |
09 | Tiffany A Paczesny | TAP | TAPaczesny from Milwaukee Wisconsin creates zines based upon day dreams and unbelievable true events of her daily life. In addition TAP also creates zines that bring humor to American politics. | sites.google.com/site/tapaczesny |
06 | Tony Hoang | mutedtalks | Tony is a bookmaking, zine-loving, basketball shooting, story-loving, skateboarding, bee care-taking, newbie gardener working artist living in Pomona, California with their dog child Toph. | mutedtalks.com/store |
13-14 | Uncivilized Books | Uncivilized Books | Uncivilized Books is an international publisher of comics, zines and books about comics. We envision a future full of cartoon philosophers, comic-book poets, graphic novelists and doodler scientists. See you there! | uncivilizedbooks.com |
91-92 | University of Minnesota Libraries | The University of Minnesota Libraries preserves counter culture materials such as the Marshall Weber Culture Wars Zine collection: 1970s-present and documents the politicization of visual culture across the U.S. and the formation of alternative media propagated by activists and artists. | gormanartspeccoll.tumblr.com | |
35 | Virgil Casper Franklin | The Pyrate Cove | Virgil Franklin hails from Jersey but resides in Minneapolis to pursue a comic career, highlighting the genres of humor, drama, romance and fantasy in his work. | king.thepyratecove.com |
01 | Will Arnold | Work Press & Publication | Work Press & Publication is a publisher of artist books, zines, comics, and photo books based in St. Louis, MO and Champaign, IL. The idea of work and work ethic is what drives our company. Our investments are time and energy, and our product is not just a singular object, but a practical example of the doctrine that hard work gives way to good ideas and that those good ideas, in turn, manifest into hard work. | workpandp.com |