2016 exhibitors
A list of the fabulous exhibitors and invited guests are scheduled to table at the 2016 Twin Cities Zine Fest. Attendees and table numbers are subject to change!
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Table # | Exhibitor name | Zine or distro title | Bio | Website |
27A | 2dcloud | 2dcloud | 2dcloud is a skunkworks publishing project. | 2dcloud.com |
22B | Alex Nall | Teaching Comics | Alex Nall is a cartoonist and teaching artist living in Chicago, Il. | alexnall.tumblr.com |
37B | Alexis Cooke & Mandie Brasington | DJ Gender Studies, Our Cat Is a Men's Rights Activist, Tuesday at the Lesbian Potluck, Foxfire: A Fanzine | Mandie and Alexis are queer lady cartoonist who enjoy writing compelling woman centric stories and dating each other! The works produced focus on the mundane, the common place situations that become transformed and charged through the emotional states of the characters. | ocdames.tumblr.com |
16B | Anna Archie Bongiovanni | Anna Archie Bongiovanni | Anna Bongiovanni is queer cartoonist whose work has been published online, in anthologies, in mini-comics, and graphic novels. They currently create a monthly webcomic for the Autostraddle, as well as a contributing cartoonist to Everyday Feminism. Having self-published over thirty zines and mini-comics, Anna doesn’t shy away from being tough, honest, and self-reflective in their work. | annabongiovanni.com |
05A | Ari Mulch | Ari Mulch | Ari Mulch is originally from central Illinois and is currently living in Minneapolis to attend MCAD. They make comics! | arimulch.tumblr.com |
15B | Athena Currier | Action Athena | Athena lives and makes things in Minneapolis. Her comics and essays are imbued with themes of feminism, true crime, and dread. | themarjorie.com |
01A | Beyond Repair | Beyond Repair | Beyond Repair is a book shop and publishing site located in the bustling Midtown Global Market, a public market located in the epicenter of South Minneapolis's 9th Ward. | thisisbeyondrepair.com |
29A | Boneshaker Books | Boneshaker Books | Boneshaker Books is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit bookstore specializing in radical literature. | boneshakerbooks.com |
05B | Breanna Vick | Olivia Novotny | Breanna and Olivia are two rad Zinesters who are a little bit of newbies and a lot bit of sassy 'n' fun 🙂 | behance.net/breannavick |
03B | Brett Von Schlosser | Human Torso | Minneapolis based ink spiller and scribbler Brett Von Schlosser is the creator of several zines and mini comics. | fiendishclutches.com |
18B | Carter Thurmond | Twin Cities Queer Masculinity | The Twin Cities Queer Masculinity group welcomes people of all gender identities located in the Twin Cities who feel an affinity with queer masculinity. Queer Masculinity includes a wide range of queer identities such as lesbians, butches, transmasculine people, genderqueer people, non-binary people, trans men, gay men, transbutches, etc. | transdyke.wixsite.com/tcqueermasculinity |
23A | Cartilage pizza | Cartilage pizza | Cartilage Pizza for president two thousand and sixteen common era | twitter.com/cartilagepizza |
20 | Cat Raia | Cat Raia | Zinester Cat Raia makes zines of her travels and turns her friends' tales into illustrated comedy. | catraia.com |
24A | Chan Chau | Fireflies | Chan is a cartoonist and illustrator from Minneapolis, who really likes to write about camping and boats. | cargocollective.com/chanc |
16A | D. Allen & Roy G. Guzmán | Restored Mural for Orlando / Queerodactyl Press | Poets Roy G. Guzmán and D. Allen started Queerodactyl Press in 2016, to publish a chapbook, "Restored Mural for Orlando / Mural Restaurado Para Orlando" in response to the Pulse massacre in Orlando. | roygguzman.com/restored-mural-for-orlando |
10A | Delta Keating | Edon, Delta Church Semi-Annual, You'll Always Be My Daughter | Delta comes from Springfield, Illinois and is constantly haunted by Abraham Lincoln memorabilia. His zines range from high fantasy to slice-of-life and autobiographical, but most of them in some way involve LGBT+ themes. | elkeating.tumblr.com |
03A | ed blair | Holy Demon Army Distro/Black Metal of the Americas | ed blair writes zines that try to articulate the beauty and appeal of niche cultures such as pro-wrestling, black metal, and obsessive pop music devotion. he also runs holy demon army distro, a zine distro devoted to zines about pro-wrestling. | holydemonarmy.storenvy.com |
35A | Elizabeth Loetscher | Fruit Bit | A zine world newbie, Elizabeth likes to fish phrases from the Net and news and piece them into such a new product. | fruitbit.wordpress.com |
22A | Eric Bartholomew | Junk Drawer | Eric Bartholomew grew up going to garage sales, finding stuff in alleys, and collecting odds and ends of various sorts. He tries not to save too much, and writes about it instead, searching for the stories that objects can tell. | junkdrawer.wix.com/junkdrawer |
15A | Erika Finne | Art Femme | Erika Finne, born and raised in Minneapolis, writes and draws her mini comics. Her comics are about either Pirates, her dog, or strange events. | artfemme.tumblr.com |
07A | Erin Dorbin | Uncommon Spaces & Everyday Places | Erin is a documentarian, preservationist, community organizer, and place-based photographer who seeks to unite urban and rural experiences through her work. She makes zines as one way to accomplish this. | erindorbin.com |
36A | Err Artist Collective | Errata | Err is a Twin Cities collective hell-bent on championing emerging artists. Our monthly events and handmade zines feature local artists of all mediums. | errartistcollective.com |
19A | Fiona Avocado | Fiona Avocado Comics | Fiona Avocado is an artist, writer, media maker, educator, and agitator. Fiona’s zines explore many subjects, including everyday life, current events, alternate universes, and glittery daydreams. She resides in Minneapolis. | fionavocado.com |
02A | Floating Library | Floating Library | The Floating Library is a collection of artist-made books and printed matter aboard a raft, on a lake, accessible by boat. This experimental, interactive public art is a project by Sarah Peters. | thefloatinglibrary.org |
31A | Francisco Gruel | Werepugs! | I make mini-comics with my partner and by myself. Horror and autobio. | thewerepugscomic.tumblr.com |
29B | Garage Music News | Garage Music News | Garage Music News is a youth-run zine out of Burnsville. Through reviews, interviews, playlists, essays, and more, the GMN staff aim to add a fresh and much-needed perspective to the world of music journalism. | garagemusicnews.com |
14B | GenderFail Press | Abortion Services, Things Found & Dealt With, FxNx, Protext Us From The Family Protection, Homophobia, Twink | GenderFail is a publishing and creative project focusing on the perspectives of Queer, Trans, and People of Color. Started in the summer of 2015, GenderFail is a small press out of the studio of Brett Erich Suemnicht who is currently an MFA Candidate at Virginia Commonwealth University. Suemnicht invites artists to create an original zine that challenges heteronormativity, gender, or racism. | genderfail.us |
11A | Hannah Kreibich | Unbound | Unbound is a yearly issue of miscellaneous works by Hannah Kreibich. A new way to obtain and read poetry and prose Unbound is printed on postcards and packaged in a poster. | facebook.com/UnboundWritings |
37A | Hedwig Vinson | Hedwig Vinson | She swears this is a comic. All of it. | walterwalterwalterwalter.tumblr.com |
12B | Hennepin County Library | Hennepin County Library | Our mission is to nourish minds, transform lives and build community together. | hclib.org |
13B | James DeWitt | Sex Ed: A Love Story | I live in Minneapolis, MN where I work in sexual health research and education, transgender advocacy, and community organizing.This zines series is "a love story" because it lovingly addresses topics that are complex and often seen as shameful. | sexed1alovestory.wordpress.com |
30B | Jeff Schwartzbauer | Bonus Stage | Jeff Schwartzbauer is a cartoon artist from St. Paul | jeffschwartzbauer.tumblr.com |
23B | Jesse Hedman | AFC Comics | A cartoonist struggling to suppress his anger against humanities tendency to lean towards stupidity. | facebook.com/AlmostFunnyComicArtist |
32B | Josh "meatbag" Mead | Oblivion Operetta | Josh "meatbag" Mead is a cartoonist & screenprinter from MPLS. His zine, Oblivion Operetta, is a psycho-delic space cartoon. | meatbaginc.tumblr.com |
19A | Katrina Ann Kubeczko | Doodle Club group zines, KAEPMK, Tips & Tricks | I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I enjoy drawing, learning and sharing information. | |
01B | Lacey Prpic Hedtke | We Believe in Infinite Intelligence | Lacey Prpic Hedtke is a Minneapolis zinestress, librarian, photographer, Aquarius and organizer. | laceyprpichedtke.com |
17A | Lawrence Lindell Studios | Werd, Pen Pad Los Angeles, Art in Transit | Lawrence Lindell Studios is an independent art studio specializing in illustrated art books, cartoons and comics. | facebook.com/lawrencelindellstudios |
04A | Leda Zawacki | Cup of Stars Comics | Leda Zawacki received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2007. She moved to Portland, Oregon in 2010 to study at the Independent Publishing Resource Center where she received a Certificate from the Comics Program in 2011. Her art is influenced by Northwest Native American myth, women empowerment, and imaginary creatures. She loves octopi, scientific facts, and making comics. She recently relocated to Minneapolis with her wife Mari and pup Hugo. | cupofstars.com |
33A | Lilly R/Kurt A/Cooper W/Alyse B | Lilly R/Kurt A/Cooper W/Alyse B | Lilly, Kurt, Cooper and Alyse are 4 Twin Cities transplants and great pals who make comics and art ranging from "autobiographical" to "weirdo." | truefactscomics.com kurtmaustin.tumblr.com elbowhumble.tumblr.com |
25A | Lucas Margulies | Itza Zine | Death coffee psychedelia and love. | instagram.com/durr_mn |
25B | Lucy Comer | Minne-no-place, Intimate | Lucy Comer was born and raised in Minneapolis and is currently a student at Minneapolis College of Art and Design pursuing a degree in Illustration. She likes trees, mermaids, and colored pencils. | iwillseethesun.tumblr.com |
21B | M.S. Harkness | Oct 2015, Dean Ambrose: Bigfoot Hunter | MS Harkness is an auto-bio powerhouse, genetic freak and lively go-getter. Libra, lifeguard and Minneapolis native. | m-s-harkness.tumblr.com |
04B | Maddy Court | DJ Gender Studies | Maddy Court is a grad student, diarist, and sometimes filmmaker. One time, she turned her OkCupid profile into a physical information booth and stood around blushing while passers-by checked her out. | jennyholzer420.tumblr.com |
26B | Madeline McGeane | Vampire Comics | madelinemcgrane.com | |
38 | Marissa Luna, Alex Ariaza, Ben Tye, and April Kasulis | Plus Dog Collective | Plus Dog Collective is a group of friends from Minneapolis who are cartoonists and illustrators. We create work in a wide variety of genres and styles from our unique perspectives as POC, LGBTQIA+, mentally/physically ill, and/or people living in poverty. | plus-dog.tumblr.com |
28B | MARS Collective | Minneapolis Autonomous Radical Space (MARS) Collective | The Minneapolis Autonomous Radical Space (MARS) Collective runs the Minnehaha Free Space, an autonomous volunteer run and collectively organized community center and activist hub with space for meetings, classes, and public events. | minnehahafreespace.org |
26A | matthew schneeman | epi.climate | I have a comic strip called epi.climate! Also, if done in time, a weird kid's mini-graphic novel called 'see the world!' | epiclimate.com |
10B | Melissa Mariko Kieselburg | Collision Course, If Found Please Return, Edit | queer nerd comic artist | marikodraws.tumblr.com |
24B | Michael K | Michael K | Michael K is a comic artist living in Minneapolis who likes to write stories about LGBT+ adolescents and coming of age narratives | serpentenial.tumblr.com |
12A | Minneapolis Community & Technical College | Minneapolis Community & Technical College Zine Collection | To support the needs of our unique, nontraditional college community, a substantial collection of zines, and alternative press books and magazines are available on our shelves and online. Zines and other alternative press materials can be viewed and used by the public anytime the MCTC Library is open. | library.minneapolis.edu |
19B | Minnesota Center for Book Arts | Minnesota Center for Book Arts | A respected and dedicated champion of the field, Minnesota Center for Book Arts is the largest and most comprehensive center of its kind. We celebrate the book as a vibrant contemporary art form that takes many shapes. Our mission is clear: to lead the advancement of the book as an evolving art form. | mnbookarts.org |
21A | Minnesota Nice Zine Distro | Minnesota Nice Zine Distro | Minnesota Nice is a zine distro based in the Twin Cities, MN. | mnnicedistro.wordpress.com |
34B | Mystery Spot Books | St. Louis Energy Landscapes No. 1: Labadie, Drawings of Background Objects Seen in TV Shows, Pacific Tourist Redux, etc. | Mystery Spot Books produces small-run artist books, zines, and other publications that trace the contours and quirks of place-based experience in the human-altered landscape. | mysteryspotbooks.com |
34A | Nathan G. O'Brien | HotDogDayz | HotDogDayz is an image-based zine consisting of photos, found items, collages, mail art, and more. Soda Killers is a punk, rap, and graffiti fanzine that includes essays, reviews, interviews, photos, and the occasional foray into pro-wrestling. | HotDogDayz.com |
14A | QZAP (Queer Zine Archive Project) | QZAP (Queer Zine Archive Project) | QZAP is a "living history" archive based in Milwaukee and dedicated to preserving queer zines and making them available to other queers, researchers, historians, punks, and anyone else who has an interest DIY publishing and underground queer communities. | qzap.org |
36B | Rachel Rolseth | Lady Bits, Poorly Drawn Mammals of Minneapolis | Rachel Rolseth is a feminist author, permaculture gardener, and bug nerd from Minneapolis who loves painting detailed flowers and crappy comics. | rachelrolseth.com |
07B | Robert Kelsey | Acknowledgements | Robert is a Chicago-based printmaker and cartoonist. His work tends to feature famous authors, food, and giant monsters. | robertkelseyillustration.tumblr.com |
02B | Robert Wildwood | Generation Snow | Rob has published zines and books under the names Robnoxious, Robert Rowboat, and Robert Earl Sutter III. Rob is a fan of science, queer style, gardening, turning lawns into wildflower meadows, giving free cookies to children on sundays, and boating with punks. | robertearlwildwood.bandcamp.com |
35B | Rochester Public Library | Zine*o*Cide | Zine*O*Cide is Rochester's first (and at the moment, only) teen-created zine and is fueled entirely by caffeine, communism, and the power of friendship. | rochesterpubliclibrary.org |
08 | Roosterhouse | Roosterhouse Zines | Roosterhouse is a Minneapolis zine collective and has been in existence since 2010. We specialize in local stories and local artists. Our goal is to be diverse and eclectic in our perzine, art, and literary creations. | zineia.com |
31B | Ryan Garbes/Shawn Reed | Idleness | Coming from the twin cities, Shawn and Ryan have been collaborating on music and visual art for the last 10 years in various forms, lately focusing on making xeroxed and screen printed art books, prints and shirts, often put out on the label Shawn runs night people. | night-people.org |
33B | Sage Fish Press | Sage Fish Press | Sage Fish Press operates out of Minneapolis and exists to document the surreal. | kittywampiss.tumblr.com |
18A | Sam Schmitt | GlitterWurst Zines | Sam GlitterWurst is the editor/coordinator-thingy for GlitterWurst Zines. Sam's zines focus on trans and queer issues, mental health, neurodivergence, and disability. | GlitterWurst.etsy.com |
32A | Samuel Locke Ward | Beasts Of Heaven | Samuel Locke Ward is a long time cult musician/home taper and makes weird science fiction comics. | samuellockeward.blogspot.com samuellockeward.bandcamp.com |
30A | Sarah Rose Nelson | Verbal Agreement | Sarah comes from Milwaukee and writes about mental disorders, and also channels her own into beautiful poetry. | VerbalAgreement.etsy.com |
11B | Sarah Rusch | Bundt Pan, All the Lakes I've Swam In | sarahrusch.com | |
17B | Stephanie Ursula Aristizábal | Flashpoint | Stephanie Ursula Aristizábal likes to go by Stevie, but thinks their full name sounds impressive on paper. They love video games, Monster High, and waving back at children on the bus. | moxievegas.me |
09 | Stewart Copeland | Brainfreeze Comics & Zines | BRAINFREEZE sells alternative and small press comics & zines in Nashville, TN | brainfreezecomics.tumblr.com |
19A | Synthia Nicole | Damaged Mentality, Chocolate & Cheese | Synthia Nicole is a zinester from Minnesota who shares about roaming around with her differently abled body, emotions, etc. since a brain injury at the age of 26. Synthia can function like mad when fueled by dark chocolate & black tea. | zinewiki.com/Damaged_Mentality |
13A | Teen Zines | Teen Zines | Teen Zines are a group of queer, trans, and allied youth who completed a 6 week zine making class at the Hennepin County Library this summer, creating a series of solo and collaborative work. | |
28A | Twin Cities Coaltion for Justice Aka TCC4J | Stolen Lives, No KKKop Zone | The Twin Cities Coaltion for Justice was born during the struggle for justice for Jamar Clark who was murdered by the MPD on November 15, 2015. What makes us special is our class analysis of the black liberation struggle and our focus on independent direct community organizing in solidarity with many local groups. We continue our work to find justice for those stolen from us by the police. We insist that the system is not broken, it is working just as it should be and there lies the problem and solution. We are excited to use zines in our community organizing and learn from others that do too! | facebook.com/TCC4J twitter.com/tcc4justice |
27B | Uncivilized Books | Escape Route by Daniel Zender, Silver Wire by Jordan Shiveley, Structures by Michael Deforge, Do Not Disturb My Waking Dream series by Laura Park, and many more! | Uncivilized Books is a publisher of fine zines and comics. | uncivilizedbooks.com |
06A | W.A.V.E. Art Collective | W.A.V.E. Art Collective | W.A.V.E. Art Collective Zine is a collective/program hybrid created to help educate and give visibility to underrepresented artists in the Twin Cities. The Zine is only a portion of their mission with a FREE 6 month program to begin in June of 2017. | waveartcollective.com |